8.4 Intercultural Communication Competence


  1. Define intercultural communication competence.
  2. Explain how motivation, self- and other-knowledge, and tolerance for uncertainty relate to intercultural communication competence.
  3. Summarize the three ways to cultivate intercultural communication competence that are discussed.
  4. Apply the concept of “thinking under the influence” as a reflective skill for building intercultural communication competence.

Throughout this book we have been putting various tools in our communication toolbox to improve our communication competence. Many of these tools can be translated into intercultural contexts. While building any form of competence requires effort, building intercultural communication competence often requires us to take more risks. Some of these risks require us to leave our comfort zones and adapt to new and uncertain situations. In this section, we will learn some of the skills needed to be an interculturally competent communicator.

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